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Class Syllabus for Your Reference

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Factoring Polynomials Using the Distributive Property and Our Ability to Identify GCFs

Home Nugget #25
Assigned on Thursday March 1, 2012
Due on Friday March 2, 2012

By tomorrow, you should have finished using the study guide I provided on Monday to make sense of lessons 8-2 and 8-3 and have solved all the problems that were assigned. I continue to reserve the right to check all of these problems (which should be found in your class notes) and to hold you accountable for the content you should have extracted on Tuesday and Wednesday.

1 comment:

  1. I have seen your solving capabilities..I think its unmatchable...and i am here to share some of my views on the factoring of polynomials using distributive property..Using the distributive property, values of one polynomial are multiplied by either a single value or another polynomial. The distributive property helps to make sure each value is multiplied with all the other factors, and prevents error.

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