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Class Syllabus for Your Reference

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Chipping Away at the Notion of Graphing Quadratics

Home Nugget #56
Assigned on Wednesday April 24, 2013
Due on Friday April 26, 2013 (students will be on a field trip on Thursday)

Solve all four problems (#9, 22, 28 and 29) from the 2005 MCAS that I provided you with in class today. The focus is on accurate solutions and adherence to instructions (giving explanations only when asked to do so). You do NOT need to provide synopses for these problems as they are not expected on the actual exam. Expect to grade these in class on Friday.

Furthermore, we watched and discussed a video today on an alternative method for graphing a quadratic function. Additionally, at the end of the video, you are given a clear sense of where the equation for the line of symmetry comes from. You can find the video here..

I will ask you to use this alternative strategy in class on Friday as well as expect you to provide an explanation for the origins of the equation for the line of symmetry.

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