How To Access Your Algebra I Text Online

The website for our text is and the code for accessing our book online is E369489470

Class Syllabus for Your Reference

Monday, September 2, 2013

Welcome to the 2013-2014 School Year!

This blog will be used primarily for posting documents or links to websites that we discuss in class. Eventually it may be replaced by a webpage on the SIS or Aspen website. In the meantime, use this space to access documents that I refer to in class or to check out websites that I want you to explore or use. Cheers!

Friday, June 14, 2013

A Long Weekend Presents a Final Opportunity to Solidify Content Mastery

Home Nugget #87
Assigned on Friday June 14, 2013
Due on Tuesday June 18, 2013


8 - 5 and 8 - 6

After almost two weeks of lesson by lesson review, 6 summative chapter quizzes and a failed attempt at creating lesson study guides, we're at the end of the content road. Tuesday's class final will comprise 60% of your 6th term grade (the district final accounts for the other 40%) and it is completely open-ended. You will not be allowed access to a calculator.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Ladies and Gentlemen, We Are Nearing Our Destination

Home Nugget #86
Assigned on Thursday June 13, 2013
Due on Friday June 14, 2013


8 - 3 and 8 - 4

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Best of the Rest: Approaching Our Last Few (Albeit Dense) Lessons of the Year

Home Nugget #85
Assigned on Wednesday June 12, 2013
Due on Thursday June 13, 2013


7-7 and 8 - 1

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Only A Handful of Final Exam Lessons Remain to Be Covered

Home Nugget #84
Assigned on Tuesday June 11, 2013
Due on Wednesday June 12, 2013


7 - 5 and 7 - 6

Additionally, given the time and effort we invested today into examining shortcomings on the weekend journal, there is an elevated expectation on the chapter 2 enrichment you hand in tomorrow on consecutive integers and percent problems.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Consecutive Integer Problems and Using Percent Enrichments

Home Nugget #83
Assigned on Monday June 10, 2013
Due on Tuesday June 11, 2013


7 -3 and 7 - 4


Your enrichment activity on lessons on 2 - 4 and 2 - 7 are due tomorrow. Be sure to incorporate all suggestions made in class today into the lesson you hand in tomorrow.

Friday, June 7, 2013

Heading into the Weekend Thinking About "Facebook Mathematics" and "Charts that Don't Add up to 100%"

Home Nugget #82
Assigned on Friday June 7, 2013
Due on Monday June 10, 2013

In actuality, the 5th term journal assignment was provided to you at the beginning of the week and you had at least two separate opportunities to collaborate and work on it in class. I provided you with detailed instructions on how to complete the lesson and expect accurate, polished and well-thought out products this Monday. This lesson comprises 10% of your 5th term grade.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Continuing Enrichments for Each Chapter

Home Nugget #81
Assigned on Thursday June 6, 2013
Due on Friday June 7, 2013


6 - 5, 6 - 6 and 6 - 7

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Algebra I District Final Bites the Dust Today

Home Nugget #80
Assigned on Wednesday June 5, 2013
Due on Thursday June 6, 2013


6 - 1, 6 - 2 and 6 - 3


Enrichment activities for 1 - 4 and 1 - 6 are due tomorrow.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Using Class Time to Revisit Content Through Straightforward Chapter Quizzes and More Involved Enrichment Activities

Home Nugget #79
Assigned on Tuesday June 4, 2013
Due on Wednesday June 5, 2013


5 - 3, 5 - 4 and 5 -5


Students who received a graded version of Sierpinski's Triangle owe a final draft in class tomorrow to be weighed as a quiz score.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Spending the Week Presenting Lesson Study Guides

Home Nugget #78
Assigned on Monday June 3, 2013
Due on Tuesday June 4, 2013


4 - 6, 5 - 1 and 5- 2


Students who had their Sierpinski Triangle activity handed back to them should resubmit it for grading on Wednesday June 5 as a quiz grade.

Friday, May 31, 2013

Crafting Lesson Study Guides in Anticipation of Final Exams

Home Nugget #77
Assigned on Friday May 31, 2013
Due on Monday June 3, 2013

Each student was assigned one lesson from the list of lessons we determined we covered this school year. We agreed that each lesson would conform to the following format and criteria:

A. Student will extract the essential main idea(s) of their particular lesson and communicate them in clear, descriptive and concise language.  This section is also a chance to warn fellow students about content pitfalls or likely sources of mistakes. This portion should not exceed a paragraph or two.

B. Student will provide one or two sample problems that are straightforward, relatively simple and most importantly, reflect the main ideas fleshed out in part A.

C. Student will provide one or two sample problems that offer greater complexity or sophistication that still reflect the main ideas from part A.

D. Student will offer clear solutions/evidence/pathways for all problems at the end of the lesson so that we can check our work.


Use the following format on your lesson:

Student Name                             Algebra I
Teacher Name                             Study Guide for Lesson ________
Homeroom Number
Due Date


The class also decided to vote for the lessons that best meet the following criteria and award the winners extra credit for the 5th term:

The categories are:

Most Informative Lesson Study Guide
Most Creative Lesson Study Guide
Most Lucid Lesson Study Guide

Thursday, May 30, 2013

On the Heels of a Multiple-Choice Quiz on Chapter 9, We Expect a Summative Exam Tomorrow

Home Nugget #76
Assigned on Thursday May 30, 2013
Due on Friday May 30, 2013


3 - 4, 3 - 5, and 4 - 1

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

How Well Have We Digested Quadratic and Exponential Functions? Today's Multiple-Choice Exam Gives Us Some Insight

Home Nugget #75
Assigned on Wednesday May 29, 2013
Due on Thursday May 30, 2013


3 - 1, 3 - 2 and 3 - 3


You should be putting the finishing touches on our exploration of Sierpinski's Triangle so that you can hand in your completed product first thing tomorrow morning.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Recognizing the Structure and Regularity of Exponential Growth and Decay Relationships

Home Nugget #74
Assigned on Tuesday May 28, 2013
Due on Wednesday May 29, 2013


2-5, 2-6 and 2-8


You will have a multiple-choice practice test tomorrow on chapter 9 which covers all of our work with quadratics and exponential relationships.

Friday, May 24, 2013

The Weekend Presents an Opportunity to Consolidate Content in Anticipation of the Final Exam

Home Nugget #73
Assigned on Friday May 24, 2013
Due on Tuesday May 28, 2013


At this stage you should have already covered lessons:

On Monday night it is time to get into lessons 2-2, 2-3 and 2-4

On Tuesday of next week we'll solve tons of problems from 9-6 on exponential growth and decay so that by Wednesday you'll be ready for a summative test on the entirety of chapter 9 on quadratics and exponential functions.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Not Letting Up For an Instant: Crafting a Quality Lesson on Exponential Functions While Addressing Final Exam Content

Home Nugget #72
Assigned on Wednesday May 22, 2013
Due on Friday May 24, 2013

In Algebra I textbook,

Page 505 # 1 - 3

Page 506 # 6 - 8, 19, 21

Page 507 # 30 - 35 and 36 - 38


Lessons 1-5, 1- 9, 2-1

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Putting Exponential Functions to Work! (And Setting in Motion Your Preparations for the Final Exam)

Home Nugget #71
Assigned on Wednesday May 22, 2013
Due on Friday May 24, 2013

In Algebra I textbook,

Page 505 # 1 - 3

Page 506 # 6 - 8, 19, 21

Page 507 # 30 - 35 and 36 - 38


Lessons 1-1, 1-2 and 1-4

Monday, May 20, 2013

Quadratic Word Problem Immersion

Home Nugget #70
Assigned on Monday May 20, 2013
Due on Wednesday May 22, 2013

In Algebra I textbook,

Page 752 # 1 - 12

All problems require synopses along with clear, coherent solutions.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Pulling the Quadratic Story Together in its Entirety

Home Nugget #69
Assigned on Friday May 17, 2013
Due on Monday May 20, 2013

In Algebra textbook,

Page 518 # 13, 17 - 20, and 23

Page 519 # 29 - 31 and # 38 - 40

All problems serve as reinforcement and clarification of the quadratic concepts we've studied in chapter 9.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Reaching a Stage of Content Mastery with Quadratic Functions

Home Nugget # 68
Assigned on Wednesday May 15, 2013
Due on Thursday May 16, 2013

Solve the quadratic formula 4x^2 - 72 = 24x using as many of our five solution pathways as possible.

A. creating a table
B. graphing
C. factoring
D. completing the square (and then factoring)
E. quadratic formula

If a particular process does not work out, be sure to explain why.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Considering Our Myriad Options for Solving Quadratic Functions

Home Nugget #67
Assigned on Monday May 13, 2013
Due on Wednesday May 15, 2013

In Algebra I textbook,

Page 497

# 9 - 19 odd

# 23 - 25, 29, 32


today in class we started the process of solving the quadratic function x^2 + 8x + 7 = 0 using the following five methods:

A. creating a table
B. graphing the function
C. factoring
d. completing the square
e. using the quadratic formula

Be sure to finish off this assignment so that we can share answers in class.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Last Preparations for Monday's MCAS Exam

Home Nugget #66
Assigned on Friday May 10, 2013
Due on Monday May 13, 2013

Make ample use of the online resources available to you at the Department of Education website (found here ) where you can find several years worth of complete Math MCAS exams AND solutions to multiple-choice, short-answer and open-response questions.

On Monday you will take session I of the Math MCAS and follow up with session II on Tuesday when you can use your calculator should you wish.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

While Effective 100% of the Time, Completing the Square is NOT Always the Most Convenient Pathway

Home Nugget #64
Assigned on Thursday May 9, 2013
Due on Friday May 10, 2013

In Algebra textbook,

Page 489

# 13 - 31 odds solve these quadratic functions by completing the square

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Tackling Five Quadratic Graphing Challenges as We Add to Our Options for Solving These Functions

Home Nugget #63
Assigned on Tuesday May 7, 2013
Due on Thursday May 9, 2013

In Algebra textbook,

Page 735 lesson 9-1 # 14 and 17

Page 735 lesson 9-2 # 11, 16, 22

Monday, May 6, 2013

We Enter the 5th Term Committed to Mastering The Art of Solving Quadratic Equations

Home Nugget #62
Assigned on Monday May 6, 2013
Due on Tuesday May 7, 2013

Expect to graph several quadratic functions tomorrow for the purpose of solving their related equations. The graphs will vary in type, from those that have two solutions to those that have none.

It would be wise to revisit lessons 9-1 and 9-2 in preparation.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Welcome to the 5th Term: Your Final Marking Period As An 8th Grader!

Home Nugget # 61
Assigned on Friday May 3, 2013
Due on Monday May 6, 2013

As we wind into our last full week before the Mathematics MCAS, we continue to fortify ourselves by dissecting open-response questions which constitute 40% of the overall test grade.

To this end, make mincemeat out of this weekends 4 open-response questions, # 9 , 22, 28 and 29.

The focus is on accurate solutions, clear explanations and attention to detail (like reporting units if they are provided)

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Last Home Nugget of the 4th Term!

Home Nugget #60
Assigned on Wednesday May 1, 2013
Due on Friday May 3, 2013

In Algebra I text,

Page 484

# 23 - 29 odd

# 34 - 37

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Using Graphs to Find Solutions to Quadratic Equations

Home Nugget #59
Assigned on Tuesday April 30, 2013
Due on Wednesday May 1, 2014

In Algebra I textbook,

Page 483 # 10 - 17 with sufficient evidence of the work involved in crafting a quadratic graph and finding solutions to a particular equation.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Final Five Days of the 4th Marking Period: Finish WIth No Regrets!

Home Nugget #58
Assigned on Monday April 29, 2013
Due on Tuesday April 30, 2013

From the 2006 8th grade MCAS
Work through all four open-response problems (as well as put the finishing touches on the one problem I projected for you in class)

Friday, April 26, 2013

Much-Needed Practice With Graphing and Understanding the Behavior of Quadratic Functions

Home Nugget # 57
Assigned on Friday April 26, 2013
Due on Monday 29, 2013

In Algebra I textbook,

Page 475 # 16 - 24 even

Page 476 # 30, 32

Page 477 # 44 - 48 and 51

As always, focus on presenting a quality product that reflects:

  • legible and visually appealing presentation
  • completion of all problems
  • evidence and explanations when appropriate
  • synopses for word problems that reveal the crux of the question

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Chipping Away at the Notion of Graphing Quadratics

Home Nugget #56
Assigned on Wednesday April 24, 2013
Due on Friday April 26, 2013 (students will be on a field trip on Thursday)

Solve all four problems (#9, 22, 28 and 29) from the 2005 MCAS that I provided you with in class today. The focus is on accurate solutions and adherence to instructions (giving explanations only when asked to do so). You do NOT need to provide synopses for these problems as they are not expected on the actual exam. Expect to grade these in class on Friday.

Furthermore, we watched and discussed a video today on an alternative method for graphing a quadratic function. Additionally, at the end of the video, you are given a clear sense of where the equation for the line of symmetry comes from. You can find the video here..

I will ask you to use this alternative strategy in class on Friday as well as expect you to provide an explanation for the origins of the equation for the line of symmetry.

Monday, April 22, 2013

A Last Look at Chapter 8 and the World of Factoring Polynomials

Home Nugget #56
Assigned on Monday April 22, 2013
Due on Wednesday April 24, 2013

Chapter 8 Form 2D Open-Response Practice Test in anticipation of a summative Chapter 8 test this Wednesday. While you may report answers/solutions on the paper itself, be sure to provide evidence/explanations on separate paper as well.

Please bear in mind that term 4 marks close on May 3 which leaves us with only 10 days in this marking period.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Deciding Whether Truly Mastering Content Matters to You

Home Nugget #54
Assigned on Wednesday April 10, 2013
Due on Friday April 12, 2013

In Algebra I textbook,

Page 462 # 22 - 30

Page 463 # 32 - 45

Page 464 # 50 - 54 and # 59 - 63

Monday, April 8, 2013

Investing Time and Effort Specifically With Difference of Squares and Trinomials

Home Nugget #53
Assigned on Monday April 8, 2013
Due on Wednesday April 10, 2103

From two sided handout provided in class today:

8-4 Practice # 2 - 32 even

8-5 Practice # 1 - 25 odd

Remember that all problems should be solved on separate sheets of paper.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Demonstrating Pride in Your Factoring Abilities

Home Nugget #52
Assigned on Friday April 5, 2013
Due on Monday April 8, 2013

In Algebra textbook,

Page 734 lesson 8-4

Numbers # 22 - 27


Page 751 # 1 - 10 (all problems in this section require a synopsis given that they are word problems)


This lesson will count as a take-home quiz. Why? We have worked on factoring in chapter 8 extensively, mostly using our strengths in multiplying polynomials in chapter 7. We've had copious conversations in class and you've had several home nuggets on these topics. It is time to demonstrate that you are willing to take time and resolve these problems thoroughly and accurately.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Our Options Continue to Grow: Factoring Trinomials of the Form ax^2 + bx + c

Home Nugget #51
Assigned on Wednesday April 3, 2013
Due on Friday April 5, 2013

In Algebra I textbook,

Page 438 # 26 - 35

Page 439 # 43 - 45

Page 445 # 25 - 30

Monday, April 1, 2013

Peppering Our Factoring Work With MCAS Open-Response Prep

Home Nugget #50
Assigned on Monday April 1, 2013
Due on Wednesday April 3, 2013

Lesson will be graded as a quiz grade as will all MCAS open response collections.

Complete all five problems from the 2004 8th grade MCAS with expectations that we will grade said questions according to the grading criteria I've shared with you in class.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Learning the Ropes of Factoring: Specifically Identifying the GCF, Grouping and Factoring Trinomials of the Form x^2 + bx + c

Home Nugget #49
Assigned on Thursday March 28, 2013
Due on Monday April 1, 2013

From 8-2 Practice Sheet

# 10 - 18

# 22 - 27

# 31 - 33

From 8-3 Practice Sheet

# 22 - 35

Monday, March 25, 2013

Demonstrating Confident Mastery of Monomial and Polynomial Operations

Home Nugget #48
Assigned on Monday March 25, 2013
Due on Wednesday March 27, 2013

In anticipation of our summative chapter 7 assessment, work through all 20 problems from the Chapter 7 Form 2B test sheet distributed in class today. While you may record your answer on the sheet itself, you must provide evidence for your solutions on separate paper.

Addendum! Since we'll be displaced for the next two days due to MCAS make-ups, you might end up entering your practice test data on Monday if we don't have access to our class clickers. Additionally, today we agreed that you'd take a long look at Olympiad #30 and focus on finding solutions so that you can compose narratives for # 1 and 5 and synopses/solutions for #2, 3, 4.

Friday, March 22, 2013

A Take Home Quiz That is Loaded With Polynomials

Home Nugget #47
Assigned on Friday March 22, 2013
Due on Monday March 25, 2013

In Algebra I text,

Page 415 # 1 - 25 all problems

This lesson will be assessed as a take-home quiz and follows on the heels of a comprehensive chapter 7 review. It should be apparent that a summative test is looming large on the horizon.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Poynomial Operations Galore

Home Nugget #46
Assigned on Wednesday March 20, 2013
Due on Friday March 22, 2013 (MCAS ELA Testing on Wed & Thurs.)

In Algebra I textbook,

Page 411 - 414

# 11 - 65 ALL Problems in preparation for an eventual chapter 7 assessment

ALSO, there are two links below for you to reference. The first is a reminder of the importance of home nuggets and how to go about improving your grade, while the second provides some concrete info about how olympiad #29 was graded and how you can expect future narratives and synopses to be graded. 

Why Home Nuggets Matter and How to Get them Done Right

Rubric for Grading Narratives and Synopses

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Polynomial Multiplication Problems to See Us Through the Long Weekend

Home Nugget #45
Assigned on Friday March 15, 2013
Due on Tuesday March 19, 2013 (no school Monday)

In Algebra textbook,

Page 402 # 42 - 48 (all word problems meaning synopses are required)


Page 732 Lesson 7 - 6

# 16 - 27

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Working On Analysis, Synthesis and Writing in Mathematics

Home Nugget #44
Assigned on Wednesday March 13, 2013
Due on Friday March 15, 2013

For Math Olympiad #29 write narratives for questions 1 - 3 and synopses for questions 4 and 5. Questions 4 and 5 should also be accompanied by solutions and evidence of their procurement. Given that I shared numerical solutions with you in class today, there should be a heavy investment in clarity of writing.

Monday, March 11, 2013

In Our Quest to Peform Polynomial Operations, We Spend Some Quality Time on Multiplication

Home Nugget #43
Assigned on Monday March 11, 2013
Due on Wednesday March 13, 2013

In Algebra textbook,

Page 394 # 54 - 57 and # 59 - 64

Page 401 # 7 - 11

Friday, March 8, 2013

Brushing Up on Lessons 7-1 to 7-5

Home Nugget #42
Assigned on Friday March 9, 2013
Due on Monday March 12, 2013

Given our intense work on lessons 7-1 to 7-5 this last week and a half, we are due for an assessment to gauge your mastery of the content. We have solved dozens of problems in class, collaborated on problem-solving strategies and had informal assessments galore.

This weekend is your opportunity to leaf through these five lessons and to target as many problems as needed for you to claim preparedness for any quiz/test that comes your way. Remember that solutions to all odd-numbered solutions are in the back of your textbook and that we have class notes that detail the progression of how we made sense of all concepts. Your performance level is in YOUR hands!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Acknowledging and Then Practicing Analytical Writing in the Realm of Mathematics

Home Nugget #41 (a 4th term nugget)
Assigned on Wednesday March 6, 2013
Due on Friday March 8, 2013

Using Math Olympiad #27, generate narratives for # 1, 2, and 3 and generate a synopses (accompanied by solutions) for # 4 and 5.

You have now seen, discussed and practiced this skill a number of times and the expectation for strong performance is high. Furthermore, given the amount of time you are being afforded to complete the task, it is assumed that your five solutions will be accurate.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Taking Polynomials and Combining Them Via Addition and Subtraction

Home Nugget #40
Assigned on Monday March 4, 2013
Due on Wednesday March 6, 2013

In Algebra textbook,

Page 386 # 9 , 10, 17 - 24

Page 387 # 25, 26

Friday, March 1, 2013

And so Begins Term 4!

Home Nugget #39 (1st home nugget of the 4th term)
Assigned on Friday March 1, 2013
Due on Monday March 4, 2013

Given our conversations in class today, it became very apparent that students need to re-examine and solve problems 2 - 7 from lesson 7-2 Word Problem Practice and write a narrative for each in doing so.

Then, based on our explorations of polynomials over the last two days, you are to attempt the following in the textbook:

Page 380 # 46 - 50 and 52 - 58

Page 381 # 60

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Last Home Nugget of the 3rd Term

Home Nugget #38
Assigned on Wednesday February 27, 2013
Due on March 1, 2013

From 7-2 Practice Sheet

# 10 - 26 even and # 28,  29

From 7-2 Word Problem Practice

# 2 - 7 using the narrative style we've been developing in class (similar to how Dr. Tanton's essay on coin thickness sounds and also to the sample responses I've provided in class)

Monday, February 25, 2013

Last Week of the 3rd Marking Term!

Home Nugget #37
Assigned on Monday February 15, 2013
Due on Wednesday February 17, 2013

In Algebra text,

Page 371 # 29 - 39

Page 372 # 43 - 44, 47

Page 373 # 56

Friday, February 15, 2013

Challenges for the February Recess

Home Nugget #36
Assigned on Friday February 15, 2013
Due on Monday February 25, 2013

Prior to the February break we discussed at length how valuable it would be to spend time reviewing and re-examining content from the first half of the year. Such an endeavor would serve many purposes including getting multiple exposures to topics and alleviating some of the pressure of preparing for a final exam at the conclusion of the school year.

What follows is a list of the lessons we've covered and the major topics from those sections. My advice is to select problems to work through and check in the back of the book for each lesson and to review your class notes to remind yourself of how we unpacked and made sense of each topic. You are encouraged to take notes and to create a study guide.

We will have an evaluation on Tuesday or Wednesday of the week we return to give you a chance to prove competency of content covered and additionally, to provide students with a chance to alter the third term grade which reaches it conclusion on Friday.

Good luck!

Lessons 1-1, 1-2, 1-4 and 1-5 which cover: Variables and Expressions, Order of Operations, Identity and Equality Properties and the Distributive Property

Lessons 2-1 to 2-6 & 2-8 which cover: Solving First Degree Linear Equations, Ratios and Proportions and Solving for a Specific Variable

Lessons 6-1 to 6-3 & 6-5 and 6-6 which cover: Solving Linear Inequalities and Inequalities Involving Absolute Value

Lessons 1-9, 3-1 to 3-5 which cover: Functions, Relations, Arithmetic Sequences, Proportional and Non-Proportional Relationships

Lessons 4-1, 4-3, 4-4, 4-5 and 4-6 which cover: Rate of Change and Linear Equations in Slope-Intercept, Point-Slope and Standard Form as well as Lines of Fit

Lessons 5-1 to 5-5 Systems of Equations and Solving Them Using Graphing and Algebraic Methods

Lessons 6-7 and 6-8 Graphing Systems of Linear Inequalities

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Dividing Monomials Is A Natural Progression from Multiplying Them

Home Nugget #35
Assigned on Thursday February 14, 2013
Due on Friday February 15, 2013

In Algebra I textbook,

Read pages 366 - 369 on dividing monomials.

On page 370 work through problems # 1 - 11 odd

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Monomials Allow Us to Spread Our Wings and Explore New Kinds of Math Relationships (in Addition to Linear Ones)

Home Nugget #34
Assigned on Thursday February 7, 2013
Due on Monday February 11, 2013

In Algebra text,

Read pages 358 - 361 on Monomials and Ways to Multiply Them.

Then solve:

Page 361 # 1 - 29 odd

Page 362 # 31 - 37 odd

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Linear Inequalities, Boundaries, Half-Planes and More: the Art of Graphing a System of Linear Inequalities

Home Nugget #33
Assigned on Tuesday February 5, 2013
Due on Thursday February 7, 2013

In Algebra textbook,

Page 350 # 45 - 54 ALL Problems!

In considering how our last home nugget on graphing systems of linear inequalities went, we seem to be in agreement that having multiple chances to practice these particular skill sets makes sense. Take every advantage of this opportunity and prepare yourself for another shot at proving your understanding of these linear inequalities.

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Simply Extending What We Already Know: Graphing Systems of Linear Inequalities

Home Nugget #32
Assigned on Thursday January 31, 2013
**NEW DUE DATE OF Tuesday February 5, 2013**

In Algebra I textbook,

Page 343 # 8 - 16 even and # 19 - 22

Page 344 # 24, 27

**Given that these problems involve graphing systems of linear inequalities which is based entirely on your ability to graph systems of linear equations with a 'twist', it is reasonable to raise the stakes and count the lesson as a quiz grade. Remember that we spoke at length about what it means to show the solution of a system of linear inequalities and that you have several options (colored pencils, arrows, only graphing the solution region) at your disposal.**

Monday, January 28, 2013

Graphing Linear Inequalities in Two Variables

Home Nugget #31
Assigned on Monday January 28, 2013
Due on Thursday January 31, 2013 (long due date because of field trip on Wed)

In Algebra I text

Page 337 # 8 - 16 even and # 20 - 22

Page 338 # 24 - 30 even and # 35 - 36

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Giving the Brain What it Craves: Multiple Exposures to Good Content

Home Nugget #30
Assigned on Friday January 25, 2013
Due on Monday January 28, 2013

In Algebra textbook, page 289 Practice Test

# 1 – 6 and # 11 – 18 (make sure to use a system of equations to solve # 14 and 15)

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

License to Solve Systems of Linear Equations Using the Method of Your Choice

Home Nugget #29
Assigned on Wednesday January 23, 2013
Due on Friday January 25, 2013

In Algebra textbook,

Page 283 # 6, 8, 10, 12 - 13, 17 - 18

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Relying Primarily on Combination/Elimination to Solve Systems of Linear Equations

Home Nugget #28
Assigned on Tuesday January 22, 2013
Due on Wednesday January 23, 2013

In Algebra textbook,

Page 276 # 12, 14, 16, 17, 18, 24, 25

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

A Take-Home Assessment to Gauge Comfort with Solving Systems of Linear Equations

Home Nugget #27
Assigned on Wednesday January 16, 2013
Due on Tuesday January January 22, 2013 (Holiday on Monday)

In Algebra textbook,

Page 271 Mid-Chapter Quiz Problems 1 - 18

This lesson counts as a take-home quiz! Expectations include accurate solutions, organized presentation and ample evidence of how you found your answers.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Combination/Elimination Becomes a Third Option for Solving a System of Linear Equations

Home Nugget #26
Assigned on Monday January 14, 2013
Due on Wednesday January 16, 2013

In Algebra textbook,

Page 269 # 12 - 24 even

Page 270 # 35 - 39

Friday, January 11, 2013

Blending Two Methods for Solving Linear Systems

Home Nugget #25
Assigned on Friday January 11, 2013
Due on Monday January 14, 2013

In Algebra I textbook,

Page 263 # 1 - 7

Page 264 # 28, 29, 31

Page 727 Lesson 5-1 # 1 - 9 odd

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Using Substitution As An Alternative to Graphing a System of Linear Equalites

Home Nugget #24
Assigned on Wednesday January 9, 2013
Due on Friday January 11, 2013

In Algebra I textbook,

Page 263 # 8 - 18 even and #20

Page 264 # 21, 26, 27

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

With the Challenged Graphing Poses, It's Worth Another Look

Home Nugget # 23
Assigned on Tuesday January 8, 2013
Due on Wednesday January 9, 2013

In Algebra textbook,

Page 256 # 23, 25, 27

Page 257 # 34 - 39

Page 258 # 42, 44 - 47

Friday, January 4, 2013

Systems of Linear Equations

Home Nugget #22
Assigned on Friday January 4, 2013
Part a due on Monday January 7, 2013
Part b due on Tuesday January 8, 2013

a. Term 2 Evaluation (quiz grade) ***look below for clarification

b. Page 256

# 10 - 15

# 16 - 24 even (solve by graphing)

# 28 & 29 (also solve by graphing)

Page 257

# 40 , 41

***For your convenience, I've re-typed the essay instructions below:

Bearing in mind the five recommendations I’ve made and the criteria that constitute your revised class participation rubric, write a one-page essay in the space below where you address the following:

a.     Whether you have real, specific intentions of implementing any improvements in this term and if so, what these are and how you intend to execute them.
b.    Whether improving your performance in mathematics truly matters to you and for what reasons.
c.    Whether you see improvement in your ability as a mathematician over the first two terms and where you hope to be at year’s end.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Learning the Fine Art of Content Study

Home Nugget #21 (1st of the 3rd Term)
Assigned on Thursday January 3, 2013
Due on Friday January 4, 2013

Conduct the same lesson by lesson analysis that we did for lessons 4-1 and 7-2 in class today for lessons 4-2, 4-3 and 4-4. We will tackle 4-5 as a class tomorrow.

Bear in mind that this sort of study strategy is meant to offer you a pathway to deep content understanding and to prepare you for assessments such as tomorrow's practice test.