How To Access Your Algebra I Text Online

The website for our text is and the code for accessing our book online is E369489470

Class Syllabus for Your Reference

Friday, March 30, 2012

A Chance to See What Chapter 9 Hath Wrought Thus Far

Home Nugget #17
Assigned on Friday March 30, 2012
Due on Monday April 2, 2012

In Algebra I text,

Page 492 # 1 - 14 all

(this is a mid-chapter quiz)

Kindly focus on providing evidence for your work and on finding accurate solutions.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Ironing out the Complications That Can Arise When Completing the Square of a Quadratic Equation

Home Nugget #16
Assigned on Thursday March 29, 2012
Due on Friday March 30, 2012

In Algebra I text,

Page 489 # 13 - 19 odd and 23 - 28

Page 490 # 32, 34, 38

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Completing the Square As Our 4th Official Strategy for Solving Quadratic Equations

Home Nugget #15
Assigned on Wednesday March 28, 2012
Due on Thursday March 29, 2012

In Algebra I text,

Page 489 # 1 - 11

Monday, March 26, 2012

Using Graphing to Solve Quadratic Equations/Functions

Home Nugget #14
Assigned on Monday March 26, 2012
Due on Tuesday March 27, 2012

In Algebra I text,

Page 483 # 1 - 9, 16

Friday, March 23, 2012

Ensuring a Good Graphical Foundation for our Upcoming Work with Quadratic Functions

Home Nugget #13
Assigned on Friday March 23, 2012
Due on Monday March 26, 2012

In Algebra I text,

Page 475 # 17 - 25 odd

Page 476 # 32 - 35 and # 39 - 41

Page 477 # 44 - 46 and 48, 51

After two consecutive days of MCAS ELA testing, we took a few minutes today to get a sense of what our comfort level with graphing quadratic functions is at present.

We found that while students seem to have a good general understanding of how quadratic graphs behave, there is ample room to solidify our content connections and as such, tonight's home nugget offers opportunity for this to happen.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The Quixotic World of Quadratics

Home Nugget #12
Assigned on Tuesday March 20, 2012
Due on Friday March March 23, 2012 (delay is thanks to the ELA MCAS scheduled for Wed. and Thurs)

Expect a chapter 8 summative test on Friday.

In Algebra textbook,

Page 475 # 16 - 24 even

Page 476 # 26 - 30 all

Monday, March 19, 2012

Thanks for the Sieve Eratosthenes, Now Pass the Circumference

Home Nugget #11
Assigned on Monday March 19, 2012
Due on Tuesday March 20, 2012

Write a final draft of your interpretation of how Eratosthenes measured the circumference of the world over two thousand years ago. Be sure to include copious diagrams/illustrations in order to make your message clear.


Be reminded that your Integrity essay/poem is due by Wednesday at the LATEST! This is an assignment required of ALL middle school students and will be submitted to Mr. MacLeod.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Thursday's CPS Practice Test Compels Us to Immerse Ourselves in Chapter 8 Content

Home Nugget #10
Assigned on Friday March 16, 2012
Due on Monday March 19, 2012

From sheet titled Chapter 8 Test Form 3 All problems

All work/evidence must be presented on a separate sheet of paper

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Seeing All the Pieces of Chapter 8 Fall Into Place

Home Nugget #9
Assigned on Thursday March 15, 2012
Due on Friday March 16, 2012

In Algebra I text,

Page 465 # 1 - 20 Practice Test

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Factoring Till We're Blue in the Face: (But Holding the Key to Loads of Polynomial Equations!)

Home Nugget #8
Assigned on Wednesday March 14, 2012
Due on Thursday March 15, 2012

In Algebra text,

Page 459

# 24 - 33 and # 37 - 43

Given the nature of this lesson (reviewing content from chapter 8) you can expect to be assessed on it in class. Accuracy is a reasonable expectation at this stage.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

How Much Access Do You Have to Your Factoring Arsenal?

Home Nugget #7
Assigned on Tuesday March 13, 2012
Due on Wednesday March 14, 2012

In Algebra I text,

Page 458 # 2 - 10 even , # 11 and # 12 - 22 even

Monday, March 12, 2012

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Trying to Wiggle Our Way Into Difference of Squares (Factoring)

Home Nugget #5
Assigned on Thursday March 8, 2012

Part One due on Friday March 9, 2012

Finish off word problems from 8-4 Word Problem Practice Sheet

Part Two due on Monday March 12, 2012

In Algebra text,

Page 445 # 11 - 37 odd

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Given Today's Results, A Need Arises for More Practice with Lesson 8-4

Home Nugget #4
Assigned on Wednesday March 7, 2012
Due on Thursday March 8, 2012

In Algebra I text,

Page 445 # 35, 37 and 38 - 41

Page 446 # 42, 44 - 45, 46 - 53

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Factoring Trinomials of the Form ax^2 + bx + c

Home Nugget #3
Assigned on Tuesday March 6, 2012
Due on Wednesday March 7, 2012

In Algebra I text,

Page 445 # 12 - 36 even

(expect to be assessed on these)

Monday, March 5, 2012

Digging Our Heels into Fundamental Factoring Techniques: Finding the GCF and Grouping

Home Nugget #2 of the 4th Term
Assigned on Monday March 5, 2012
Due on Tuesday March 6, 2012

From 8-2 Practice Sheet

# 2 - 18 even

# 19 - 29 odd

# 33

Friday, March 2, 2012

Factoring Fundamentals

Home Nugget #1
Assigned on Friday March 2, 2012
Due on Monday March 5, 2012

In Algebra I textbook,

Page 440 (Mid-Chapter Quiz) # 1 - 30 I expect a high degree of accuracy and lots of attention to your format and the evidence you provide.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Factoring Polynomials Using the Distributive Property and Our Ability to Identify GCFs

Home Nugget #25
Assigned on Thursday March 1, 2012
Due on Friday March 2, 2012

By tomorrow, you should have finished using the study guide I provided on Monday to make sense of lessons 8-2 and 8-3 and have solved all the problems that were assigned. I continue to reserve the right to check all of these problems (which should be found in your class notes) and to hold you accountable for the content you should have extracted on Tuesday and Wednesday.